11/03/25 07:27 » Breaking News: Settlement The Spinney has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 07:27 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Nenig Liquid Exports totals 355 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 07:16 » News Just in - Barge Moya has just levelled reaching level 13. Congratulations!

11/03/25 07:12 » Breaking News: Settlement Torchwood has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 07:12 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Isotopic Sclerogen totals 15,875,532 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 06:57 » Breaking News: Settlement Hogwarts has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 06:57 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Starbase-76 Industrial Exports totals 2,603 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 06:42 » Breaking News: Settlement Corellia has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 06:42 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Shakaar Ore Exports totals 17,938 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 06:27 » Breaking News: Settlement Frozen Isle of Despair has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 06:27 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item High-density Hadrium totals 14,329,349 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 06:12 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Derling Fauna Exports totals 1,242 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 06:12 » Breaking News: Settlement Lighthouse has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 05:57 » Breaking News: Settlement Ork has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 05:57 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Spiritus Gas Exports totals 2,041 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 05:50 » Breaking News - Winner of Daily Fuel Draw is Kaladin Congratulations - A fuel ticket has been awarded!

11/03/25 05:42 » Breaking News: Settlement Vosay Research Station has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 05:42 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Kretchnia Gas Exports totals 2,944 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 05:27 » Breaking News: Settlement Terra Incognita has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 05:27 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Taiani Alloy Exports totals 639 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 05:12 » Breaking News: Settlement Arlentz Safe Haven has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 05:12 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Foothold Alloy Exports totals 68,949 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 04:57 » Breaking News: Settlement Vuthakethend has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

11/03/25 04:57 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Grelia Flora Exports totals 9,994 across collective CS Accounts.

11/03/25 04:42 » Breaking News: Settlement Thabes has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

Recommended Browser Usage

Firefox » Safari » Google Chrome

The Core Exiles game has been designed to display correctly in modern "Standards Compliant" browsers. While you will be able to play the game in almost every browser available, you may not get the best experience of the game.

While we appreciate that not everyone has a choice of which browser to use, we recommend that for the best experience, you play Core Exiles in either Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer and Opera will work (though we strongly advise that you do NOT use Internet Explorer 6) but we are confident that you will have a much more fulfilling experience with one of the three "Recommended" browsers. Links to download these browsers (they are all free) can be found above.

We have identified an issue with Opera version 12, and have removed support for this browser at this time. You will be redirected if attempting to login with this version.

The Community

Here at Core Exiles we are very proud of our community.

They are very welcoming, and very helpful, and we would like to invite you to take part. Why not pop on over, create an account and say hi, there is even a reward for doing so! Don't forget to use your Captain Name when creating a forum Account.

Go to the Official Community Forums

Are you ready to meet your destiny?

Don't have an account? Create One NOW!

Game Server Online

17 Year CE Anniversary

We made it through yet another year, folks. Tomorrow marks the 17th Year of Core-Exiles on the web.

Seventeen years is a LONG time for a game to be on the web and still be going strong, so I thought let's celebrate!

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Core-Exiles Celebration Tokens

It's that time again this year to start collecting the Core-Exiles Celebration Tokens 1-17. Celebrating CE Turning 17 Years old.

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New Galaxy - Under Construction

I may be busy in real life but a new Galaxy 'The Core' is coming your way, make sure to check out this post, who knows you may end up with a System Planet or Starbase named after you :)

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Challenge Draws to a Close

An amazing effort this time round with 66 stages being completed. I've updated the goodie bag and will be awarding these items to each and every person who took part shortly. It's great to see the community pull together and do such a bang up job of completing so many stages.

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21st Christmas Challenge

OK, the 21st Coops Challenge starts On Friday the 20th @ 16:00 (Game Time) and runs until Sunday the 5th Jan @14:00. For those who have not played before...

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Coops Goody Bag Christmas

OK, the 21st Coops Challenge starts On Friday the 20th @ 16:00 (Game Time) and runs until Sunday the 5th Jan @14:00. For those who have not played before...

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Coops Christmas Hand-in

You've all be collecting the San Ticlaws items for the last 10 days or so. This one is using the new(er) method from the Private Messages Screen. Makes it Waaaay easier for you to hand in Large sets of items like this one.

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San Ticlaws - Christmas Collection

For those of you that have been here for a few of the Christmas periods, you will know that San Ticlaws is never very lucky at this time of year. Infact in one way or another he has always lost or had stolen his 'Collection' for the Children.

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December Festive Pack
Grab One Now

It's December so I have reactivated the chance to purchase the December Festive Pack! This pack can be purchased as a support item from the CE Official Store. 140 UKP of goods for 40 UKP!

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Christmas Festivities 2024

December is upon us! Festivities are here along with another Coops Challenge over the Christmas break! Check out the Competions and whats on this month.

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CE Official Sales - December

December Sales and offers are here, check out the store with Rudolph, Donner & Blitzen and a myriad of sales and even the return of the December Festive Pack!

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CE November Offers

It's November and it's time for some great offers in the CE store. Grab some excellent B.O.G.O.F deals and a fat 15% discount coupon as well!

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Change to Festive NPC's

This change should put a fat fgrin on any Settlement (and now starbase) owner. The ability to choose your own Festive Agents! Time to grab a cuppa and read.

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Halloween Hunt Winners

Did you take part in the Halloween Pumpkin reporting? Well you may have won yourself a nice fat reward, give the post a read and see!

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Coops Level 60 - Claim...

Coops Made Level 6 - well in Real life and as a thank you for you being here he's offering a give away. All you got to do is READ and CLAIM!

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Cargo Delivery Reminder

A player suggestion turned into a cool addon that most of you that dabble in the black arts of Cargo Hauling are sure to love!

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October Festivities Begin

October is here - so let's get started. There is plenty going on so I suggest you read this thread and delve into the related links for all the things going on this October!

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Halloween Hunt 2024

This is a slightly different competition, but one that everyone can take part in. All I ask is that you READ the competition details fully and follow the rules therein. Hunt and report the Pumpkins!

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The Rexxoleen Calendar

Back in 2013, Rexx had agreed to do a photo shoot for free, with all the proceeds from the sale of the Calendar going to the 'Poor Miners Fund'. Before the calendar had been published, the photo shoot images were stolen and disseminated.

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Halloween Exchange

October has rolled around and we have once again opened the Halloween Exchanges. but not only can you hand in your pumpkins and collect the Pods on offer again this year, but you can also claim an Exchange for your Settlement or Starbase.

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