27/07/24 09:57 » Breaking News: Settlement Cadia has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 09:57 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Wolframite totals 459,584 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 09:42 » Breaking News: Settlement Cintra has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 09:42 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Trade Hub 28 Social Exports totals 248 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 09:39 » Olympic News : Dreem just added a Beacon to Olympic Flag - Ukraine - Support your Country now!.

27/07/24 09:27 » Breaking News: Settlement Weyland Yutani Corp has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 09:27 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Crypto Container totals 1,335,167 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 09:16 » Captain syros located a Locked Crate (Type 07) today whilst Salvaging in Kinbnal. Congratulations captain syros

27/07/24 09:12 » Breaking News: Settlement Sikelia has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 09:12 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Fashion Clothing totals 2,560,002 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 09:04 » Captain syros located a Tuned Javoran Meson Laser ADV-1867 today whilst Salvaging in Kinbnal. Congratulations captain

27/07/24 09:02 » Captain syros located a Salvage Stabilizer S5 Blueprint today whilst Salvaging in Kinbnal. Congratulations captain syros

27/07/24 08:57 » Captain syros located a Halo Salvage S1 Device Blueprint today whilst Salvaging in Kinbnal. Congratulations captain syros

27/07/24 08:57 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Ethanol Gelocine totals 4,869,027 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 08:57 » Breaking News: Settlement Couch Potatoes has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 08:50 » Captain Achilleos has just purchased Synthetic Silk from Sherman Exports - With thanks to the Fair Trade Agreement.

27/07/24 08:42 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Falling Star Genetic Exports totals 475 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 08:42 » Breaking News: Settlement Quagmire has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 08:33 » Captain syros located a Salvage Stabilizer S5 Blueprint today whilst Salvaging in Kinbnal. Congratulations captain syros

27/07/24 08:30 » News Just in: Pirate RAID in Ramora has been bolstered by fellow Pirates and has now been upgraded!

27/07/24 08:27 » Breaking News: Settlement Rapture has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 08:27 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Alien Manufacturing Block totals 1,215,653 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 08:12 » Breaking News: Settlement Franklins Furnace has been reported to have been attacked by a Pirate Fleet - Reports are still coming in.

27/07/24 08:12 » Gal-Fed Auditors release latest Galactic Audit : Stock Item Powdered Kremdosite totals 5,417,596 across collective CS Accounts.

27/07/24 08:11 » Achilleos has posted a new Galactic Buyers Market Contract for 109,000 units of Refined Ceromite at 150 CPU.

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The Core Exiles game has been designed to display correctly in modern "Standards Compliant" browsers. While you will be able to play the game in almost every browser available, you may not get the best experience of the game.

While we appreciate that not everyone has a choice of which browser to use, we recommend that for the best experience, you play Core Exiles in either Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome.

Internet Explorer and Opera will work (though we strongly advise that you do NOT use Internet Explorer 6) but we are confident that you will have a much more fulfilling experience with one of the three "Recommended" browsers. Links to download these browsers (they are all free) can be found above.

We have identified an issue with Opera version 12, and have removed support for this browser at this time. You will be redirected if attempting to login with this version.

The Community

Here at Core Exiles we are very proud of our community.

They are very welcoming, and very helpful, and we would like to invite you to take part. Why not pop on over, create an account and say hi, there is even a reward for doing so! Don't forget to use your Captain Name when creating a forum Account.

Go to the Official Community Forums

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Game Server Online

CE & The Paris Olympics

The Olympics get underway here at Core-Exiles on Friday, 26 July. Players need to collect Flags, and Olympic Beacons. Some Great Prizes to Win and two NEW Pods up for Grabs!

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Lost Documents - Bad Luck!!!

This is a simple enough competition. Anyone can take part all it needs is a little patience and perhaps some trading skills with your fellow captains for the missing Lost Documents.

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Tell Us What You Think

A large Fat reward is still on offer and up for grabs in return for a few minutes of your time. Competition runs till the 31st of August. Make use of it whilst its still there!

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July Store Offers

July is here, bringing with it the start of the Olympic and Paralympic Events this month. I will be making a seperate post on thses events but needless to say there will be collections, activities and a lot of prizes to be won.

Meanwhile, see if you can find a discount or offer to your tastes this July.

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Factory Fitz ADV

This bad boy is every one's dream solution to Refined ore when you need a constant supply to keep all the those Factories and other refined ore heavy operations going.

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GBM Gets an Upgrade

The Galactic Buyers Market has been around for a VERY long time. It enables captains to place contract requests for Resources. Allowing others to fill them piecemeal or in one go based on what you have available to spare. Now it gets a well deserved Upgrade!

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Server Move Sunday 5th May

We are moving to a shiny new Server. This takes Place Sunday the 5th of May. Down time is dependant on a few elements but should not be long. I have a boat load of prep work but Ive been running tests for the last few weeks having moved the Dev server there already.

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Level 10 Rewards!

We have had the level 5 Reward system in game for a while now, and it's been a useful tool to help new players stay engaged, but lately I have been chatting with the staff about adding in a Level 10 reward.

Well, wait no longer! The level 5 rewards page now also sports a level 10 claim.

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Genesis Status Updated

Last but not least anoter player suggestion taken from the forums. This one relating to the Genesis Update Page, Now you can review whats exacty required through the Galaxies on the Genesis Projects before heading off to drop stuff off. A more sensible approach :)

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Quantum Transfer Facelift

Another player suggestion taken from the forums was making some changes to how the Quantum Transfer Device displayed its info. I took a look and made some changes that should make the device a more friendly thing :)

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JDN Upgrade

I've been dipping into the player suggestion thread again this week and one of those suggestions related to adding in an Asteroid Field locator to the Jump Drive Network Device. I took a good look at the system and gave it a slight over haul.

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3rd Settlement ?

After much discussion, and arm twisting over the last 16 years I have decided to allow for a THIRD Settlement per captain.

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Logging Twice

I'm are aware that atm, some players are being logged out after their initial 'login'. After logging in a second time, all is ok.

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K.I.C.K.A.S.S. Device!

Someone call an Ambulance, I think I've lost it :) This month Marks the 16th year of Core Exiles on the Web. We did run CE as Shields up for around 18 months in total as a Desktop App, but that was back in the dark ages :)

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TC Mega Mall

There is a Suggestion thread over in the forums that over the last few months I've been dipping into for some gems. These I have added in part and mulled over the rest. One such request / suggestion recently was for a Mega Mall that sells the new Trade Commodities.

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More Rapport Contracts

Today see's the release of a bunch of new Contract Types. Mining, Cargo and Passengers join the exisiting Rapport Contracts.

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Guess The Resources - Winners

Sorry it's taken me a number of days to post this one. Every time I sat down to work this one out, something got in the way or simply road blocked me. But this evening I had enough time to sit and work this one out.

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Combat Loot Tracking

Something new from the Cooper Code mine. Take a few minutes to read how loot has changed since the early days and one of the new ways to aid in the changes.

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Merry Christmas

With Christmas looming on the horizon I wanted to take some time to wish you one and all a Merry Christmas from the Cooper Family.

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20th Coops Challenge

OK, the 20th Coops Challenge starts On Friday the 22nd @ 18:30 (Game Time) and runs until Sunday the 7th Jan @14:00. For those who have not played before check out the post.

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