YOU HAVE BEEN LOGGED OUT : Please Read Carefully
Captain, Core-Exiles is a web based game and therefore is subject to the issues that can often affect browser based games. You have arrived at this page and your session has been expired due to one of the reasons listed below.

If this is the first time you have seen this page no harm is done but please take the time to read these possible reasons and take heed so that this does not happen to you again.
Session Detection
Core Exiles uses sessions to detect if you are correctly logged in and to ensure your captains account is safe and securely used. Should the system detect more than one session (multiple tabs or browser sessions) it will send you here. This is often caused by opening tabbed windows or other windows. Thereby creating multiple sessions.

We only detect what your computer system is sending, so if we detect two sessions this is being caused by your browser and computer configuration, not by us. We must ensure safety of your account in this way.
Back - Refresh & Play Speed
Core Exiles is a linear game therefore the use of Back or Refresh on your browser is not supported. The use of these on many of the CE pages will be seen as an Exploit Attempt. These attempts are logged and reviewed by a human member of staff on a regular basis.

Another major issue for new players is trying to play faster than your browser will allow. IE trying to submit button presses BEFORE the current page has finished loading. Take your time and allow pages to fully load and you won't have this issue.
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